the(sugar)science conceived of and initiated the build of the newly launched T1D TCR/BCR Repository. To do so, we partnered with AIRR data commons and iReceptor, and solicited top international scientists to deposit T1D specific TCR and now BCR genetic data into this developing resource. To gain funding, we requested Aaron Michels MD and Todd Brusko PhD to be co-PIs on a grant application, which resulted in a generous award from Helmsley Charitable Trust to fund this project.
The T1D TCR/BCR immunological genetic database is the very first standardized and harmonized database for T1D TCR/BCR sequences.
the(sugar)science will continue to assist in promoting the build and usage of the data repository, thus keeping the scientific ecosystem alive via engaging with the community. Our goal is to expand these kinds of relationships and use cases exponentially, as our partnership with iReceptor will afford us the unparalleled ability to continue to upload curated published (and non-published) TCR/BCR data to their platform. the(sugar)science is well positioned to run more data driven challenges from the evolving database. Illustrating the genetics of immunological cells as they interact with beta cells, will provide ample opportunity for translation into novel therapies.
As of early 2024, three papers that cite this database have been published and one paper describing the database is in review.
Signing up below will allow you to add data to the T1D repo and attend monthly working meetings.