State of the Science II: T1D 2022


WHAT: State of the Science is an interactive conversation with room for granular and lively debate focused on the most pressing issues in type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our goal is to foster open science, interaction, and collaboration–all hallmarks of the(sugar)science mission. Following State of the Science 2021, and the recent paper illustrating a women’s leadership gap in T1D research, this series will be women-centric. Led by Carmella Evans Molina MD PhD (IU), Linda DiMeglio MD (IU) and Bridget Wagner PhD (MIT), these virtual conversations will involve: 

  • 30 minute introduction – What’s HOT in this field? Describing the state of the art.

  • 20 minute panel interface – What does the future hold?

  • 10 minutes – Audience Q/A


  • Anchors (5) – introduce the topic, state of the art, and what’s happening in the field,  debate current hypotheses and postulate what the future folds

  • Audience (50-100) – contribute meaningful questions and insights


  • January-March 2022

  • Inaugural Event Thursday Jan 13; 10-11am PST // 1-2pm EST // 6-7 pm GMT

  • all other events: Thursdays, 8-9 am PST // 11-12 noon EST // 4-5 pm  GMT

TOPICS OF DISCUSSION: Click below to watch past SOS talks

1) WATCH HERE Jan 13th: Is T1D ONE disease or endotypal? Variability of T1D phenotype: What’s the evidence?

  • Anchors: Carmella Evans-Molina MD PhD (IU), Linda DiMeglio MD (IU), Bridget Wagner PhD (MIT), Sarah Richardson PhD (U Exeter), Emily K Sims MD (IU), Georgia Fousteri PhD (DRI San Rafaelle), Lucy Walker PhD (UCLondon), Jessica Dunne PhD (J&J)


2) WATCH HERE Jan 27th: Cutting Edge Technologies and in silico solutions for the T1D research laboratory.

  • Anchors: Bridget Wagner PhD (MIT), Milena Pavlovic PhD (ImmuneML), Melanie Shapiro PhD (UFDI), Maryann Martone PhD (NIDDK/dkNET), Kendra Venhik PhD (USF), Alma-Martina Martinez PhD (Stanford)


3) WATCH HERE Feb 10th: Exploring Non Mouse Models for studying T1D: islet on a chip, organoids, how to best emulate the human islet phenotype

  • Anchors: Bridget Wagner PhD (MIT),Gopika Nair PhD CEO (Endocrine Bio), Teresa Mastraaci PhD (IU), Susan Bonner-Weir PhD (Harvard/Joslin), Cherie Stabler PhD (UF)


4) WATCH HERE Feb 24th: Clinical Trials in T1D: integrating technology into T1D trials. Strategies for next steps: AI analytics and bioinformatics. Making sense of a sea of data: best practices and ways forward.  

  • Anchors: Linda DiMeglio MD (IU), Bridget Wagner PhD (MIT), Alice Long PhD (BRI), Marissa Hilliard PhD (Baylor School of Medicine), Marina Basina MD (Stanford), Amanda Borens Msc (c-path), Kellee Miller PhD (T1D Exchange), Eda Cengiz PhD (UCSF)


5) WATCH HERE Mar 10th: Interdisciplinary Approaches to T1D: Why Different Lenses Matter.

  • Anchors: Carmella Evans-Molina MD PhD (IU), Jessica Weaver PhD (ASU), Qizhi Tang PhD (UCSF), Allison Bayer PhD (DRI Miami), Kate L. White PhD (USC), Julie Sneddon PhD (UCSF).


6) WATCH HERE Mar 24th: Integrating Approaches to T1D cures: creating a roadmap, or a “Diabetosome” to connect to interdisciplinary research. Connecting disparate disciplines that add value to T1D research.

  • Anchors: Vibha Anand PhD (MIT/IBM), Shannon Turley PhD (genentech), Nina Luning Prak MD PhD (UPenn, AIRR), Danielle Dean PhD (VUMC), Rodica Pop-Busie MD (UMICH), Noel Burtt PhD (MIT/Broad), Cate Speake PhD (BRI), Chantal Mathieu MD PhD (Innodia)